Friday, December 3


            What a joyous and emotional month it has been! This past month my church, CCC, did a four week series on adoption; spiritual(vertical) and worldly(horizontal) adoption to be more specific. I was SO EXCITED to be at church every Sunday; one, I just love my church but also the idea of adoption is so moving to me. For some time now I have felt the longing to adopt a child. The thought of giving a child a better life than what it probably would live otherwise gives me so much joy. However, in saying all of this I bet you are thinking, 'what about having your own children?', and yes, I have considered that but in no way like I have adoption.
           I have had the opportunity to see up close in personal the joys of adoption. A friend of mine, Mikayla, has a cousin who adopted a little African American baby boy, she named him Cooper. Seeing pictures of their family and how happy they are to have him in their life makes me want that as well!
           This past Sunday, CCC had the privilege of having Mac Powell of Third Day and his wonderful wife, Amiee, come and speak to us about their journey through adopting 2 of their five children. I must say, it was a roller coaster just for me sitting there, listening to their struggles and joys during that time in their life. I hope one day to be in their position; telling the adoption stories and realizing the Lord has blessed me with a beautiful family, biological or not.
           However, adoption is not just a worldly/horizontal action but also a spiritual action as well. God has adopted His children. He has taken us up from a life of complete hopelessness and given us a home. He saved you and I from a worthless life and gave His son, Jesus,  so that we could be His and live forever with Him in Heaven. We were orphans and many still are in-fact, orphans. It is our duty as Christians to abide by the Word of God and in doing so we must take action. In James chapter 1, verse 27, it states: "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." Here, God is telling His people that if we call ourselves Christians then we should act as Christ would and care for those in need, not forgetting them like the rest of world, but walking the extra miles to love them, genuinely.
            I will end with this; if anyone knows me then you know that I LOVE black kids. Something about them just makes me smile and want to hug them! Anyways, do not be surprised if one day you see me driving down the road with a car full of African babies because even though the world sees color our Father does not. Amen, Amen, Amen. May all know Him.

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