Saturday, February 19

Our God is Healer.

     The words I wish to use I won't, I just cannot seem to find them.

     Two days ago I found myself speechless. Rarely am I literally speechless. I was sitting in my car, on my way to school, thinking. act done without words but yet so powerful. I was reflecting on the words I had been exposed to hours previously. A great man, who I consider to be another father, had been prepared for surgery to remove his re-occurring Cancer, was closed up without surgery because the Cancer had spread too much.
      My God is Healer. My God is Provider. My God is Comfort. My God is Giver of Life. My God is...

      My God is the One who one heals, yet the same who takes life. He determines all, not tests, scans, or even the opinions of the greatest doctors to ever live. However, he does give those men and women the knowledge to give the best care possible.

      I believe all are stuck at this moment. Waiting for an answer, looking for a sign, and hoping all turns out well. I pray for healing. I pray for strength. I pray for wisdom. I pray for one of the greatest men I have ever known to say 'I am healed'. I pray for a ending much different than most.

      Healer, show favor on Bro. Paul. Heal him physically, eradicate the Cancer from every single cell in his body. Remove the pain, remove the suffering, remove this burden from his weakened body. Heal this family who I call my own as well. Heal my family, Lord. Restore health and good news. You are the Bringer of good news, I pray so selfishly for it. Heal my own life as well, Lord, heal my wounds. Heal the drained emotions of those around looking for answers. Provide an answer, oh God, please. In all His most glorious name, Amen. 



Wednesday, February 9


        Tonight, I find myself sitting at a friend's apartment here in Tuscaloosa due to the fact that I have two HUGE tests tomorrow and the threat of driving in ice-infested roads tomorrow morning coming from Birmingham. In saying that, I will add this, Global Warming does not exist. I have researched this topic and it has been slowly dis-proven since Al Gore pitched his advocacy for it years ago. Now, moving forward.
        I am such a worrying type of person. On the outside, I can hold things together so well, but on the inside I worry all the time about school and nothing else in comparison. I fear failure. I fear the thought of not getting into nursing school and having to change my major to something like Art....which I like though and I even considered it a year ago, but I have just worked so hard towards this personal goal.
        Like I said, I have two tests in my hardest classes....Chemistry and Math, which I should be studying for but you know, talking about it is just so much easier than actually doing it. Seriously, Math is SO LAME. I understand the basic need for math but I will not need to know the relative max of a graph in Nursing. Now Chemistry on the other hand is a different story, it actually can be applied but it is just so hard....but exciting! I love my professor but sometimes I feel just so incompetent.
        As of today I am still waiting. For all of you that have been keeping up with my road to nursing school nothing much has changed. I am awaiting a confirmation letter from Alabama, meeting this Friday with UAB to discuss my current status with applying and last BUT NOT LEAST, I am waiting to receive an email from AUM in regards to my acceptance to the next level of admittance(which basically means I have to go in for an interview....oh joy!). I am still applying to Troy and JSU but I have yet to finish the paperwork.
       Yeah, you can see I am pretty stressed right now so the natural human reaction would be to worry. However, the Bible calls us to not worry but to cast all our cares on Him, beautiful, isn't it? I will end with a Bible verse that I have used a lot lately, hope this helps you as well. God bless.

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matt. 6:34