Monday, January 24

Being Ready

            As I am typing this I am sitting in Gorgas Library, freezing my buns off and pushing off Math and Chemistry homework, which both suck anyways. I have something on my mind. Life and all that it entails. More specifically, marriage. WHOA. I know, right, Emily Gill talking about marriage....CRAZY! Though not so much about me in particular but all those around me as well. When will we ever be ready, will we know? I have heard a lot here recently that no one will ever be ready for such a step in life. Yes, we can prepare financially, physically, spiritually but overall, the transition is HUGE. A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend a wonderful wedding; the venue was beautiful, the wedding ceremony itself was so lively and the bride was just stunning. So, as you can see, it has got me thinking, how do we simply prepare?

          Me being the person I am I have always thought that I needed to be out of college and working before I got married....hmmm, wonder where that ideal came from, dad? As time has progressed and I have come into contact with more couples and their life stories I have realized, no one story is the same, duh. So, the search for finding out when the perfect time to do such things, like getting married, is impossible. Why can't such decisions be easy and care-free? To all my fellow ladies out there, single or in a relationship, I give you this, patience. Patience for that right time if it does in fact exist. I also say this, do not settle. Do not settle for less that what you deserve.

         Now, for my personal thoughts. I think far too often people abuse the feeling of wanting to get married. I have seen dead-end relationships plenty of times and the topic of marriage always was present at some point. WHAT? People, do not date just to date! Do not treat your relationship like some measly friendship that you can peace out at anytime you want. If you do these things then how in the world could you be ready for a marriage? If we all continuously do such things then the world will be full of unhappy marriages, much like it is now. People, more so ladies, find someone good for you. Find a man, not a boy. Better yet, find a Godly man, who seeks after God's will and not his own. I can say that I am beyond blessed to have the man I have in my life and I had nothing to do with it. God knew exactly who and what we both needed and He provided. Amen.

         To sum this off-the-wall blog up I will say this, I might not be ready tonight for marriage but God knows the time and the place in which I will be prepared just enough to say 'I do'. Until that time, we all must be in God's Word, preparing ourselves individually for our future spouses, marriages, and families.

Saturday, January 15

Love and Thankfuless

                Tonight, as I am preparing myself for church in the morning, I can't help but realize that tomorrow will be yet another day that I will be unable to see my sweet boyfriend. Our lives are so busy; mine with school and work and his with his job and traveling, we seem to always be rushing! However, when I think of these things in his absence I remind myself that distance truly does grow the heart fonder. I am a firmer believer in this old saying because when Jamie and I are with one another we are such kids; he really is like a best friend. I am honestly one of the most blessed women on this planet to have such a man like him. No, he might not be around 24/7 like most boyfriends, but when he is, its like he never left at all. So, in saying all of this I end with a thankful heart, a prayer for him, for us and for those around us, friends and families, thank you all for being in our lives. Jamie, I love you and I pray His will be done through the both of us, together.

              Lord, thank you for your love. Thank you for true love, through relationships with close friends, family and the relationship you have blessed to Jamie and I. Thank you for blessing me with him, how grateful I am. Thank you for your forgiveness and the forgiveness we give to one another through our relationships with people. Thank you for patience; I pray for more patience, Lord. Thank you for grace. Thank you for your unfailing mercy on us from day to day. Thank you for being perfect. Thank you. Amen.

Thursday, January 13

Roll Tide to Spring 2011!

          Okay, to even begin to explain my overall excitement about this semester I must start off with a ROLL TIDE! RRROOOOOLLLLLL TTTTTIIIIIDDDDDDEEEEE!!!
          For starters, I do hate having to be up so early for a 9:30 class but may I say my Pysch. Dev. professor absolutely rocks....possibly, subject to change. I seriously laughed so hard at the comments she made about fellow friends and random stories she told pertaining to our lecture. Moving on now, oh yes, my commute from class to class.....SUCKS! I am truckin' it from one class to the next, but hey, at least I am burning some calories! Met my math prof. today as absolute bore if I may add but I should have known, he is a freakin' math teacher, no offense to those who teach math, just he in particular is a boring individual. HOLY CRAP, MY POLITICS PROFESSOR IS GOD SENT. First and foremost, he looks like my former pastor, and he even talks like him as well. Super nice guy, two thumbs up! Want to know what I will be doing in that class....NOTHING! We have no exams, papers, in class assignments, homework....NOTHING. All we must do is come to class, participate in conversations, read and submit like a paragraph of opinionated work.....AMAZING! I love this man. Oh and then comes my Comp. Professor, he is AWESOME, no doubt! Honestly, to describe him and his personality the best example would be Ralphie May, the comedian, HILARIOUS! Last but not least, my sweet 'ole Chem. prof., Dr. Scheiner! This man is excellent; such an honor to be taught by such a knowledgeable man!
               Like I said in the beginning, all these things are subject to change.....however, I do believe my gut feeling is correct and that this semester is going to be awesome. Roll Tide, everyone!